

Item added to cart!

Section 1 Select a Room Type


Section 2 Select a Date or a Date Range
Calendar Instructions

1. Single Date Booking - Select one day from the calendar.

2. Date Range Booking - Select a start date and an end date from the calendar.

3. To select a new date or date range Click the Calendar again.

4. An X denotes an unavailable date.

Pick a date/s then click next

Section 3 Select Unit
Single Date
1. Click on a green circle on the image
on the left to Choose your desk.


  =  Unit Available

  =  Unit Not Available

Date Range
1. In the Select Unit section pick your preferred desk.

2. The system will try and give you your preferred desk and if it's not available it will select one for you.

  =  Preferred Unit

Drag Image Left and Right

Section 4 Press Accept Selection/s to add to cart

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